Missao YMI Brasil

Missao YMI Brasil
Familia Cerpe

Sunday School with Sports Ministry (Youth Missions International) in Brazil

Postado por Juca, Rose, Abner e Júlia segunda-feira, dezembro 13, 2010

Sunday School History
In America, the first national Sunday School effort began in 1824; its stated purpose was to organize, evangelize and civilize. The focus was intentionally evangelical, and so within the next 100 years the Sunday School had become the primary outreach arm of the church. The Sunday School organization now expanded to include all ages. Sunday School became a way for unbelievers to be introduced to, and then assimilated into, the life of the church. By the late 1800’s, Sunday School was looked to as the main hope for church growth, a view that continued until the mid-twentieth century.
Sunday School attendance has seen a slow decline in the last 50 or so years. One factor generally agreed to be a reason for this is the shift away from evangelism and toward discipleship and fellowship over the last half century or so. Studies do indicate that where Sunday Schools are thriving and growing, church membership increases.
The idea of Sunday School as a primary opportunity for evangelism may be new to some of us. Is it possible that a return to that model could help revitalize our churches? Has Sunday School attendance declined in your church, or is it thriving? One thing is certain, much has changed since the idea of a Sunday school for the reform of unruly street children was first envisioned!
Lets return to that model
Sunday School with Sports Ministry at First Baptist Church of Perdoes, SP, Brasil.

Youth Missions International

Ofertas e Sustento Mensal

Quem Sou Eu

Minha foto
Atibaia, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Missionario com a Missao YMI Brasil, chamado por Deus para serví-lo onde Ele nos mandar. Contato: 55-11-4411-6973 55-11-7068-9577


Discipular, desafiar e
treinar jovens,
para propagar o evangelho de

Jesus Cristo ao redor
do mundo.


Intercambio Nacional e Internacional
com jovens que poderao mobilizar uma
geracao para transmitir a Palavra de Deus


Com base em Atos 1:8, a YMI Brasil deseja auxiliar as igrejas, promovendo treinamento a curto prazo para jovens acima de 13 anos para terem uma experiencia com missoes e assim evangelizar por todo o mundo.



4 Passos Para Deus

YouTube - GMOPortugues's Channel